
The Ultimate Apocalyptic Planet - 77 Worlds RPG James M Ward

Created by Stephen Lee

AS3 Earth Prime - The Blasted Earth is James M. Wards vision of the ultimate apocalyptic planet. This book details the basic rules of the Lost 77 Worlds RPG and Earth 300 years into the future after it has been blasted to the brink of oblivion. 9 Character Classes, Three major terrain types and many subtypes, Mutants, Aliens, Rogue Androids, Cyborgs and all that you can imagine on a world who's failed xeno-forming has left the home of man in shatters.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

News from the Apocalyptic Future
almost 7 years ago – Mon, Jul 03, 2017 at 05:16:39 PM

We're planning on locking down surveys this Friday, July 7th 2017.

Please try to have your survey filled out by this time.

I Believe we have 15 people remaining to complete their surveys. Thanks to each of you who have already taken the time to fill it out. I will be sending out a few individual emails tomorrow to help you with some of the rewards.

Two new card decks are in design now and should be off to the printer next week. I am editing the final copy of the Blasted Earth and then we will be into layout and art placement. The 2017 core rules will be next on the agenda then the Encounter Encylopedia - Blasted Earth Edition. Everything is progressing nicely so far!

Happy Independence Day! to all our American friends out there.

70% of you have responded
almost 7 years ago – Mon, Jun 26, 2017 at 07:20:18 AM

Survey Status

About 70% of you have responded with one one person not completing the survey for one reason or another. The other ~30% have not replied to the email as of yet.

Thank you. We will close the survey in about a week and then begin to setup codes for you to download all your PDF's from starting in mid August. We anticipate all PDF's to be available by that time. Some may be available earlier.

We have seen a lot of addons and while the vast majority have correct shipping charges a few people have shipping charges higher than expected. I will be combining shipping where I can. (Books and Posters will not ship in the same box) and where your addon will fit in the loot box your postage for that addon will be refunded or credited to your account on You can let me know what you prefer when you get your shipping confirmation email.

I left CA1 Dragon Hunt (which includes a mini game) off the kickstarter all together. Sorry about that. You can add any module and just email [email protected] to let us know to replace the "place holder module" with CA1 if you would like a print copy of Dragon Hunt based on a short story by James M. Ward.

Card decks have a long lead time. I will be ordering the Robot and Mutant card decks in July and expect them in September or October. Those are new decks we have never sold before so just be aware they will arrive toward the end of our fulfillment cycles (September/Octobor).

Lastly, As we complete many of these new products we are compiling a number of PDF's which focus on a single area (Blackpowder combat tools for example) which will all be free downloads through the end of 2017 for all backers of this Kickstarter, the Dragonscales Fantasy RPG Kickstarter (July), and/or the Jupiter Ship Yards Kickstarter (August).

Dragonscales FRPG is the brainchild of James M. Ward and uses the ward card system (from 77 Worlds). It is a setting that pits Dragons against Knights and great magic requires the use of dragonscales. Concord is the great city at the heart of the realm astride a great natural bridge that connect the dwarvin mountain range (where in are many dragon warrens) to the human kingdoms. I will post a link to that KS for anyone who may be interested at the end of the month.

backerkit survey's have gone out. Check your email
almost 7 years ago – Thu, Jun 22, 2017 at 06:28:11 PM

Survey's have been sent

The backerkit survey's went out about 20 minutes ago. Thank you for your support of this project. We still anticipate delivery will start in August and run through November.

Sign up for our mailing list or if you missed the kickstarter you can preorder here

77 Worlds - The Blasted Earth - backerkit Survey
almost 7 years ago – Mon, Jun 19, 2017 at 12:52:56 AM

Greetings from the Apocalyptic Future

The backerkit survey will go out next week (or sooner once it is approved). That means, The survey is ready. Sadly backerkit could not handle multiple answer multiple choice for 17 items. (sad that) so the last question will tell you how many Anthologies AND Adventures you get at your choosen backer level and then prompt you to enter the number of the ones you wish.

It is not elagant with cool little radio buttons to click but it works. This was done as many of you requested ways to select WHICH adventures you get and others requested to be able to switch between Adventures and Anthologies as quite a few have purchased some of these are various conventions. So, more complicated for us but you get exactly what you need.

If you do not see your survey email next week just go to this url. and you should be able to get into the survey.

Please keep in mind the Blasted Earth and most of the adventures are still in development or layout. So we are not likely to start delivery until August. The Good News is we will have all deliveries made before the end of November. Well mailed before the end of November if you live in far away hard to get to places it might take a little longer to get there. Should you have any questions or issues, email us at anytime at [email protected]

I will continue to post updates on progress and images of the products as the final covers are completed. Digital downloads will be available from on or slightly before the physical versions of the books are ready for shipment.


Stephen A. Lee


May 30th update
almost 7 years ago – Tue, May 30, 2017 at 04:45:17 PM

Good Morning Friends,

A few of you let me know during the campaign the number of backer levels was a bit confusing. After working through backer kit's setup and trying to accommodate your request to be able to select the Adventures and/or Anthologies you want, I have to agree. This Kickstarter was a little more complex than it needed to be. No Worries! the survey is fairly simple and if you find it difficult, you can always just send me a message with the details of what you wish to select. We have 79 backers so I can handle a special request.


AS3: Earth Prime - "The Blasted Earth" core book is in layout/Design. We have expanded a few of the super science projects in the book to further detail the LDP quest. We have also added black powder weapons as requested. An enhanced equipment and combat tools section has also added a few extra pages to the book. Bio-Genic weapons and augmentation devices along with their mutational effects have been expanded with some content from the Apocalyptic Mars book which is being written alongside the Jupiter Repair Yards source book. more on those in August.

If you ordered or intend to add on Craig Martelle's short story, that PDF will be available August 1st. I have it on hand and its a great story but for contract reasons, we can not release it until August 1st. Proceeds from this and the James M. Ward "How to build an adventure" all go to Author James M. Ward.

At the request of some of the authors and fans of 77 Worlds, I will be releasing a PDF of the product line up, what each book contains, and anticipated release dates for those in the near future. This may help you with your selections in the survey. It will be posted on the (currently being upgraded) website the day before the survey is mailed out. This is our catalog with extended commentary for each 77w product along with a draft production schedule for 2017 and 2018.

BEAS2017 adventure series

The First six adventures are complete and two more will be completed in June.The first three adventures Weapons Hunt, Transportation Hunt, and Equipment Hunt are all optional starting places for the extended LDP quest. Each details a different terrain type and contains a stand-alone adventure that includes information the party can find which leads them to the ruins of D.C. where the LDP quest begins. I want to stress that while all BEAS adventures can be played standalone, it is best to do them in order if you're running the LDP quest. In all cases, the Rise of Juneau Reddog BEAS2017-12 should be the final adventure in the series even if you do the others in a different order. The ruins of Mexico City, The ruins of DC, and the ruins of London are among the best adventures I have seen in a while for Post Apocalyptic games. I am personally hard at work on the Ruins of Madrid, Adventure 7 in June. An LDP Quest PDF will be on the website this weekend to provide an overview of this extended quest for game masters.

So When do we see the survey?

A great question, I am working hard to complete it. It is the only thing I am working on this week. So, hopefully, everything will be done in the next day or two.